Elisabeth Browning

Renewable Fuels – Hengye Inc. Brochure

Overview of Renewable Fuels: Landfill Gas & Hydrogen A quick look at the products we manufacture and some of our most popular applications for Renewable Fuels: Landfill Gas & Hydrogen. Overview...
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Did You Know? Wet Beads

Wet Beads: Why Two-Phase Flow is Bad Hengye Inc. strives to provide the most up to date material at competitive prices plus an important “value add”. Our onsite or remote service...
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Did You Know: Zeolite

The material referred to as molecular sieve is called Zeolite. Today zeolite is made synthetically but was originally described by the Greeks. Zeolite is Greek for “Boiling stone”. When the Greeks...
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Starting Up A Bed After Change Out – Ethanol Dehydration Units

Start Up an Ethanol Dehydration Unit After a Change Out or for Initial Commissioning What to Know About Start Ups Before starting a ethanol dehydration unit, or ethanol bed, there are...
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Lateral Top Off Schedule – Ethanol Dehydration Units

Lateral Design Top Off Schedule Sample for Ethanol Dehydration Units General Guide to Topping Off Laterals Below is a general schedule for topping off new bead installations in lateral designs* It...
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How to Dispose of Molecular Sieve

In the United States, molecular sieve can be disposed of in a licensed landfill. The material is normally analyzed to meet the regulations for proper chemical waste management. For safety information,...
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Loading – Ethanol Dehydration Units

Recommendations for Loading Ethanol Beds Packaging The best way to start the process of loading an ethanol dehydration unit is by knowing what material you will be using to load the...
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Unloading – Ethanol Dehydration Units

Preparing an Ethanol Dehydration Unit for Unloading Before unloading an ethanol dehydration unit, it's important to know how you plan to dispose of the material first. In most cases, licensed landfills...
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