Industrial Drying

Water is commonly found in almost everything that occurs either naturally or in an industry setting. Many of the applications that require water removal are needed to function effectively and continuously. Our adsorbents have the ability to remove the necessary moisture content desired to achieve specifications for the product.



Dessicant Dryers

Dessicant dryers are used to dehydrate atmospheric air or pure gases including H2, N2, O2, CO2, for use in pneumatic equipment.

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Solvent Drying & Treating

Many hydrocarbon solvents contain impurities like sulfur, water and oxygenates that need to be removed to achieve the required specifications of production.

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Refrigerant Drying

Refrigerant contains water that must be removed in order to be operated within refrigeration systems to prevent damage of system over time.

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Transportation Air Brakes

Transportation Air Brake systems use adsorbent to prevent impurities like moisture and oil residues to damage the equipment.

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Insulated Glass

Insulated glass uses adsorbent between the windowpanes in order to avoid condensation which prevents mold as well as keeping a controlled climate containment.

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